cocktails making

What You Need to Know About Cocktails Making

There are a few things you need to know before you can start making your own cocktails. Some of the most important ingredients include ice, alcohol, a non-alcoholic mixer, bitters and syrups.

Another essential is glassware. Get yourself a good range of glasses, from sturdy tumblers to stemmed champagne flutes.


Whether you’re an avid mixologist or you’re just starting out, it’s important to have a good stock of ingredients on hand. These will help you make delicious cocktails at home and impress friends with your mixing skills.

Alcohol and liqueurs are the most common ingredients used in cocktails, but there are also plenty of other things that you need to have on hand. These include bitters, citrus juices, fortified wines and water.

Bitters are a key component of many classic cocktails, including the Sazerac and the Old Fashioned. They add complexity to drinks without changing their overall balance.

Liqueurs, like gin and rum, also bring flavors to drinks. They can add a fruity, sour, floral or herbal note to a cocktail.

Citrus juices are also often used to modify the taste of drinks. Adding lemon or lime juice to a tequila sour, for example, cuts back on the harshness of tequila, making it more drinkable.

Another common ingredient in cocktails is sugar. Although plain sugar can be used, simple syrup (sugar water) is recommended because it helps integrate the ingredients more effectively and makes the cocktails taste more uniform.

If you’re looking for a foamy finish on your cocktails, egg whites are an essential ingredient to have. They are easy to make and will give your drink a beautiful, frothy cap that’s sure to please everyone.

Garnishes are a great way to add visual appeal to your cocktails, and they can even add flavor as well! Some garnishes are designed to be eaten, such as fruit slices and flowers, while others are intended to sit on the rim of your glass.

In addition to garnishes, ice is a very important ingredient in cocktails. It helps hydrate your drink and is necessary for many different types of drinks, including Daiquiris and cosmopolitans.

When creating your own cocktails, it’s helpful to keep a few different types of ice on hand for different purposes. For instance, crushed ice is useful for Daiquiris and frothy ice is perfect for a mojito.

If you want to start mixing your own drinks at home, it’s a good idea to have a few basic bartending tools on hand, such as a shaker, strainer and cocktail glass. You can also add garnishes to your drinks, such as fruits and mint.


Shaking is an important technique for a cocktail’s final taste and texture. This is because it chills and dilutes the drink, and works air into its ingredients.

To shake a cocktail, you should use a good quality cocktail shaker and ice. There are several different types of ice, and each one has its own benefits. Larger ice cubes tend to chill the drink quickly, while smaller cubes can increase aeration.

There is no right or wrong way to shake a cocktail, and the best method depends on your personal style and experience as a bartender. Some bartenders prefer to shake their cocktails from a seated position, while others are more comfortable shaking in a standing position.

During the shaking process, you need to make sure that all your ingredients are mixed properly. This is especially important if the cocktail contains egg whites or cream, as these ingredients need to be shaken for longer than other ingredients in order to fully incorporate them.

The amount of time you need to shake a cocktail also varies depending on the recipe. For most cocktails, 10 seconds in the shaker will provide an excellent drink; however, for some recipes, such as egg-based cocktails, you may need to shake for up to 30 seconds.

In addition to the amount of time you need to shake, you should also consider the type of ice you are using. Bigger ice cubes will chill your drink quickly, but small ones can increase aeration and dilution.

When deciding which type of ice to use, you should consider the temperature and sweetness of the liquid that will be poured into it. For example, if you are blending a cocktail with very sweet ingredients, such as cream or honey, you might want to choose a type of ice that has a lower melting point than other ices.

When mixing a cocktail with ice, you should always shake it first before adding other ingredients. This is because it helps to keep the booze from contaminating other ingredients. This is especially important when working with expensive and delicate ingredients, such as citrus juices, syrups, and liqueurs.


A distiller is a person who makes spirits by using a still. The process involves heating a liquid until it forms vapor and then condensing it back into liquid form, which gives the distilled spirit a higher alcohol concentration than its original source. Distillation is used to make a variety of beverages, including brandy, rum, whiskey and vodka.

The process begins by preparing the raw material for fermentation. Typically, a distiller will use a base substance such as grapes for brandy, cane for rum, grains for whiskey or sugar cane for vodka. Then the alcoholic wash is fermented, usually by yeast. Once the yeast is dissolved, it converts the sugar to alcohol and water, and the resulting alcoholic drink is called a spirit.

Distillers use a pot still or a column still to produce the final product, and these are usually made from copper or stainless steel. The pot still is a more traditional type of still, while the column still is generally used to produce American whiskies such as bourbon and rye.

While distillation is a very technical and time-consuming process, the end result can be extremely satisfying for cocktail enthusiasts. The final distilled spirit has a more refined, smoother and more aromatic taste than its parent beverage.

This process also removes harmful toxins and chemicals from the distilled spirit, making it safer to consume and less likely to cause hangovers. The resulting spirit is often cut into different parts to select what is known as foreshots/heads, hearts and feints/tails.

The resulting spirits are then aged, usually in barrels, for several years before they can be sold to the public. The age of the product is a key factor in how it tastes.

It’s important to note that the final distilled spirit can be quite strong, sometimes as high as 60%-70% ABV! This is because of how much alcohol the initial brew contains, and it is a common practice for distillers to discard or reserve some of the resulting spirit (known as heads and tails) during the distillation process to reduce the overall strength.


The key to making the perfect cocktail is to mix all the ingredients properly & use the correct techniques. Taking a little time to learn your techniques will make all the difference when it comes to making cocktails that look & taste great.

To get the best results, it is important to use the right glassware & measure the proportion of the ingredients accurately using a jigger. These are available in a range of sizes that will allow you to measure the precise quantities of your ingredients.

It is also essential to chill your cocktail before serving. This will help to keep the drink cold while it is being served & helps to prevent the alcohol from burning your lips.

A good way to chill your drink is to fill your mixing glass about 3/4 of the way with ice & then stir for about 30 to 45 seconds before straining it into the appropriate glassware. This will also help to cool the ingredients down & dilute the drink more effectively.

For drinks that do not contain any juices, such as fruit based drinks or cocktails with spirits and liqueurs, the ingredients can be mixed quickly by shaking. This will help to mix them thoroughly & minimize dilution.

If your drink does include any opaque ingredients, such as citrus, egg, cream or sugar syrup, then you will need to shake it to mix them fully & thoroughly. This will ensure that all of the ingredients are evenly mixed and chilled.

Shaking will take some practice & the best thing about it is that once you are confident it will only require a light touch to achieve a very thorough dilution without causing bubbles or ice shards. It is also important to keep the shaker very close to the base of the glass – this will ensure that all of the ingredients are well mixed, cooled & strained.

Another essential part of mixing a cocktail is to have the right garnishes on hand. These can be anything from fresh berries to edible flowers or mint leaves & will add a personal touch to your drink.